AUS QLD Mareeba 2003APR19 001  A great shot of the clouds rolling in over the tablelands. : 2003, April, Australia, Date, Events, Flux - Trevor & Sonia, Mareeba, Month, Places, QLD, Wedding, Year  AUS QLD Mareeba 2003APR19 002  I told you Tom Flux is dirty old man, here he's sleeping with Skidders.  Says a lot about Skidders tastes as well!!! : 2003, April, Australia, Date, Events, Flux - Trevor & Sonia, Mareeba, Month, Places, QLD, Wedding, Year  AUS QLD Mareeba 2003APR19 003  We had the form guide out and has a couple of punts, after all, it was Doncater Derby day ya know!!. : 2003, April, Australia, Date, Events, Flux - Trevor & Sonia, Mareeba, Month, Places, QLD, Wedding, Year